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Haute Property – News, Stars and Trends in Real Estate: Urban Oasis

Urban Oasis – A design-minded homeowner transforms his century-old brownstone into a sophisticated retreat. With its spacious gourmet kitchen, gleaming pine floors, and modern rooms filled with spirited works of art, Rich Walker’s 2,000 square-foot Logan Circle brownstone offers soothing shelter that seems far removed from the noise, crime, and distractions of city living.

Logan Circle is now one of DC’s most in-demand places to live, with homes commanding an average price of $1.2 million, and the hot spot is bursting with trendy boutiques and hip restaurants.

Though the rise of Logan Circle began about 10 years ago, recent years have seen immense growth, says Kimberly Casey, an associate broker at Washington Fine Properties. “It really started going gangbusters in 2011. In the last year, penthouse condos in Logan Circle have been listed for $1,000 per square foot, which is really high for DC.”

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